assure that this web site stays online! |
In case you've never been to Lincoln, here's a look around town. These photos will change from time to time, so come back again to see what's new.
Many of these photos can be seen in a larger view by clicking on the picture.
This area on the Lee Road will be the future home for Lincoln's "Community Recreation Center"
Lincoln's beautiful new gazebo, located in MacEachern-Lee Rush Park, where concerts are held on Friday evenings during the summer months.
These monuments on Main St. honor hometown heroes of the Civil War and World War I.
Gary Gordon's grave in the Lincoln cemetery. |
Our public safety building
Penobscot Valley Hospital
We care about each other.
West Broadway
"The Rock" on the Lee Road has become a signpost! |
Thursdays when the weather is good, you can always find a yard sale in Lincoln!
This photo was taken on Main Street in Lincoln on May 5, 2006. The soft greens of spring are starting to appear.
Thank you for visiting our site. We hope you'll enjoy your tour of our town. If you live here, maybe you'll find a new appreciation for your hometown. If you're "from away", we'd love to have you visit us.
We appreciate the many area businesses whose ads grace these pages. Please let them know you saw their ads here!
The Lincoln Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce visitor center on West Broadway (above right). The center is open most days May-September for visitors. Stop in and look through the guestbook! Folks from all over the world have signed it while visiting in Lincoln. The center is unmanned. |
Lincoln was incorporated in 1829. There are still a few houses around here that were built before that. Check out our history section for more information about Lincoln's early days. Join the Lincoln Historical Society to help preserve our past. |
This photo shows Lincoln's high school, Mattanawcook Academy in the late fall. Lincoln is also served by Mattanawcook Junior High, Ella P. Burr Elementary School and the Greater Lincoln Christian Academy. Lincoln's public schools are part of M.S.A.D. 67. If you're a graduate of MA, check out http://members.localnet.com/~birdsong/. |
Some of Lincoln's lakes from the air.
If you're thinking of coming to visit us here in Lincoln, you will be most welcome! We hope you'll enjoy getting to know our area and will come back again.
As you can tell by looking through this site, we are blessed with beautiful scenery. We have plenty of wildlife. The fishing and hunting are excellent, and there are places to go camping or rent a camp while you're here. If you like canoeing or kayaking you'll feel right at home because there's water everywhere!
We have some great opportunities for winter outdoor fun, too. Snowmobiling, downhill and cross country skiing, ice fishing - there's no reason to stay cooped up inside all winter long!
Our Library - inside and out
The Lincoln Public Library has over 30,000 volumes which would be considered slightly above average for a town of our size. And, many towns the size Lincoln have no library at all! (Photo at left courtesy of the Lincoln Memorial Library) |
Then and Now
Lincoln's railroad station
(Top photo courtesy of Ida Whitney)
One of Lincoln's four traffic lights casts a shadow on Main St.
Mt. Katahdin, as seen from Colonial Health Care in Lincoln.
The Lincoln Police Department helping to keep the area safe.
Lincoln's Zip code is 04457. The Post Office is located on Fleming Street. Lincoln's postal workers and postmaster are pictured below.

Lincoln Post Office on a cold January day.

We need sponsors so we can keep bringing you interesting photos and information about Lincoln and the surrounding area. Since June of 2005, we've had over 1 million visitors. If you'd like to advertise your business on these pages, e-mail us and we'll give you all the details.

We found this in the middle of the woods!

Lincoln's Transfer Station is located on Park Avenue. Many items can be recycled, so check out the options when you visit. There's a Take It or Leave It area, for those items you don't need, but which may still have value for someone else. Remember, the Transfer Station is for Lincoln residents only. Check with the Town Office if you have any questions.
Lincoln's colorful downtown banners change with the seasons. |
A small stream in Lincoln Center is bridged in several places.
Huh? This sign must be leftover from last winter!
This little shed is "leaning toward Sawyer's" a bit!
We hope you've enjoyed these views of Lincoln. There's plenty more to see around town, and we'll be bringing you new photos often. Now that you've read to the bottom of the page, head on back up to the menubar at the top and check out some of our other sections. |
Lincoln District Court House on Main Street.
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