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13 Or 14 Lakes In Lincoln?
Although the Town of Lincoln promotes 13 Lakes, we at www.lincolnmaine.us have always maintained (as do many locals) that there are actually 14 lakes in the boundaries of Lincoln. Here they are:
Mattanawcook Pond, Stump (Snag) Pond, Egg Pond, Caribou Pond, Upper Pond, Folsom Pond, Cambolassee Pond, Long Pond, Big Narrows, Little Narrows, Center Pond, Crooked Pond, Round Pond, Upper Cold Stream Pond.
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Looking for a boat landing? We've got 'em!
Lincoln has lots of water, and that means you need a place to put your boat, canoe or kayak in. The following boat landings are open to the public:
South Lincoln - Nature trails, picnic tables, hibachis, horseshoe pits and a boat landing on the Penobscot River, about two miles from the I-95 Access Road (River Road).
Mattanawcook Pond - This boat landing is located at Prince Thomas Park on Lake Street in downtown Lincoln. There is also a sandy beach, and if your boat or motor needs service, see our advertiser, Lincoln Motor Company. They are located right beside the boat landing! See their ad above, and don't forget to tell them you heard about them here.
Folsom Pond - Take the Transalpine Road off the Enfield Road (by Penobscot Valley Hospital), go 2.4 miles and turn left onto Clay Road. Go 2.5 miles and go right at the fork. Turn left at the second fork, and at the T turn right. The boat landing is on the left.
Stump (AKA Snag) Pond - From downtown Lincoln, at the Methodist Church keep left to stay on Main Street. Go 2 miles and turn right onto Frost Street. Go 1 mile, and the landing is on your left.
Long Pond - From downtown Lincoln, at the Methodist Church keep left to stay on Main Street. Go 5 miles and turn right onto Sweet Road. Go 2.7 miles, and the boat landing will be on the left.
Little Narrows - Take the Transalpine Road off the Enfield Road (by Penobscot Valley Hospital), go 4.1 miles. The landing is on the left.
The fishing is phenomenal here in the Lincoln area. Don't take our word for it - come see for yourself!
Prince Thomas Park in downtown Lincoln has a lovely beach.
Kayakers enjoy a warm spring day on Mattanawcook Pond in downtown Lincoln.
Don't forget to thank our sponsors for helping to keep this site online. Without their help, we couldn't bring you all these colorful photos!
For Pond access for your boats, the Lincoln area has several public boat landings. There's one on the Penobscot River is in South Lincoln about a mile south of Lloyd's Store. Mattanawcook Pond in the middle of town has one, as do Folsom Pond, Stump Pond on Frost Street in Lincoln Center, and Long Pond off the Sweet Road. |
A town with 13 Ponds, a large river and many streams affords people lots of opportunities to enjoy the water. Whether you like to fish, or just want a quiet kayak ride or somewhere to paddle your canoe, you're in the right place here in Lincoln.
In fact, there's a lovely Pond right in the downtown area. Not sure if you can find your way around the many waterways? There are plenty of Registered Maine Guides in the area.
Lincoln has over 4,300 acres of water, plus 19 miles of frontage on Maine's longest river, the Penobscot - it's a fisherman's paradise! Ice fishing is a popular pastime in the winter.
Come to Lincoln for four seasons of fun on the water or on the ice.
This photo of Caribou Pond comes to us courtesy of Brad Blake.
July 3, 2008 - It was a Wednesday, the day before the celebration out in Burlington for America's birthday. Connie and I decided to walk down to Prince Thomas Park, located right in the middle of downtown Lincoln on the shores of beautiful Mattanawcook Pond. What a scene - what a day!! You couldn't have picked a better day "at the beach" than today. Several dozen youngsters were taking swimming lessons, playing in the sand, taking advantage of the playground area, and just plain HAVING FUN!! Ah, to be young again, eh?
We also noticed the nice new sign the town has at the entrance to the park. Well, of course Connie and I had our trusty Nikon cameras with us and below are some nice pictures (we think) of a day at the beach on a warm summer day in Lincoln, Maine, and being a child again!
- Lee Rand
CLICK HERE for photos.
A beautiful morning in Lincoln - this is Mattanawcook Pond.
These boys enjoyed a beautiful sunny day in May, fishing at Mattanawcook Pond near downtown Lincoln.
What a perfect place for watercraft! And there are plenty of good places to swim and fish as well. Lincoln's 13 Ponds allow plenty of room for all kinds of outdoor fun.
Take a quiet kayak or canoe ride to take in the scenery and view our plentiful wildlife. How about water skiing, or a refreshing afternoon swimming with your family?
You can fish for brook trout, Pond trout, landlocked salmon, white perch, pickerel or smallmouth bass. Lincoln has some of the best bass fishing anywhere.
Mattanawcook Pond as seen from Prince Thomas Park's beach.
Mattanawcook Pond in the early spring; this was taken right in downtown Lincoln!
Prince Thomas Park offers a beach and also a playground area for the kids.
A boat waits to take its owner for a ride on Mattanawcook Pond on a bright summer day.
The public boat landing on the Penobscot in South Lincoln also has a nice picnic area and some hiking trails.
Looking upriver from the public boat landing on the Penobscot River.
Kayakers will find plenty of places to get on the water in the Lincoln area!
Lincoln's Prince Thomas Park is located near the downtown area. The park features a boat landing, a playground and a beach.
An afternoon breeze creates ripples on the Penobscot River.
Stump Pond in Lincoln reflects the trees and sky on a beautiful July morning.
A fisherman waits patiently for a strike. He won't have to wait long. Lincoln is prime fishing country. Come and see!
Need some bait? Watch for a sign like this one! For those who aren't fishermen, a nightcrawler is a large earthworm.
Bass fishing is a popular activity on the Penobscot River in Lincoln. Smallmouth bass are plentiful and feisty, and you can count on some exciting fishing while you're here.
We received this photo from Doug Piehler of Lincoln. Doug's fishing partner, Al, caught this nice bass, which was released unharmed, in the fall of 2004 just above the River Road bridge.
Mattanawcook Pond is shown during a January thaw in 2006. This pond was ice free on March 29, 2006, beating by 5 days the previous earliest date of April 2, 1981.
Yes, we have winter here, and it's beautiful then too. Stump Pond is shown here during a February thaw.
The beach at Prince Thomas Park in downtown Lincoln is a great place to have some summer fun!
Please help keep unwanted aquatic plants from sneaking into Lincoln on your boat! Check your trailer, props, anchors, anchor lines, live wells and fishing equipment for plants before putting your boat in the water.
Stump Pond is a good place to enjoy a little bass fishing or just take a boat ride. You might see a loon or two while you're out there.
Here's another sign you'll see at the Pond downtown. Lincoln's town ducks originated from someone's pets gone wild. They're fairly tame, and will bug you for your potato chips and sandwiches. They're fun to watch, but we ask you not to feed them. They get plenty of food already, and we'd rather they fended for themselves. It's much better for them, and makes for a cleaner waterfront. Ducks eat and then they . . . .well, you get the idea!
Working on your tan? There are plenty of places to get some sun around the water's edge.
There are lots of places to put your canoe in the water. Take a refreshing ride around one of the ponds soon!
You'd be surprised how close this spot is to downtown Lincoln!

This photo shows the Mattanawcook Pond area a very long time ago. We don't know when the photo was taken, but the area certainly looks different now!
Waiting for the ice to go out on an early spring day at Prince Thomas Park.
It's spring - time to get the boat in the water! This is Cold Stream Pond.
This bright yellow inflatable float looks like fun!
Wait a minute! Where's the water? This isn't a field, it's Mattanawcook Pond in the winter. Please make sure the ice is safe before riding on our Ponds in the winter.
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